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Oh! We have company!

June 06, 2003 - 4:24 p.m.

Greetings to those of you coming from Mr. Treacher. If you came looking for anything other than a withering blog in it's infancy neo-natacy, you will be hugely disappointed. My sincerest apologies. Please do stop by later when I've had time to freshen up the place.

Side note: I spent the better part of the day atop Fenway Park's Green Monster, being loud and unruly. Granted the park was virtually empty, but I find that to be completely inconsequential. If you ever have the opurtunity to yell like a drunkard at people playing a charity game in one of the greatest parks in all of baseball, I highly recommend you do. And I can assure you, everyone will hear you when inform the oversized shortstop with pants so tight that they should be illegal that his playing ability is somewhat less than stellar. Honestly, with muscles like that, you'd think he could at least make the throw from short to first w/o letting the ball roll half way there. Tsk Tsk, Adm. Tight Pants.

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The Best Joke in the World - October 22, 2003
Oh! We have company! - June 06, 2003
Fire Down Below - June 04, 2003

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